The helping wings red and dark blue logo, with a wing at the end

Helping Wings 2014 Introduction

Enabling disadvantaged children and the disabled of all ages to share the exhilaration and fulfilment of flying.

Since 2008 the Jersey Aero Club has provided opportunities for disadvantaged and disabled children to enjoy a free flight around Jersey at “Helping Hands” days. The success of these days led the organisers considering how more people can be helped to enjoy the freedom of flight either as a passenger in a light aircraft, taking control in a one off trial lesson or even pursuing a full course of ground school and flying training to obtain a Private Pilot’s Licence.

Each year since then, in the autumn, a day of activities has been arranged at Jersey Aero Club for special needs and disadvantaged children. These activities include a flight around the island in a light aircraft, the opportunity to scramble over an Airport fire engine, a performance by a magician, a drawing competition as well as lunch and a ‘goody bag’ to take home. Since 2008 over 200 disadvantaged or disabled children and young people have enjoyed a passenger flight around Jersey in a light aircraft with volunteer pilots.

In 2012 Helping Wings provided trial flying lessons for two young people with special needs who had been nominated by the Jersey Sports Association for the Disabled.

In 2013 this concept was extended by way of a dedicated day, in April, for teenagers with special needs. Twelve of these youngsters were able to enjoy a short flight around the island.

A scholarship scheme, currently supported by Ports of Jersey, was also launched in 2013 with Helping Wings providing bursaries for flight training for local disabled persons.

Helping Wings was officially launched on 23rd September 2011 and is recognized as a charity by the Comptroller of Income Tax and is a member of the Association of Jersey Charities.

Association of Jersey Charities membership number 386

States of Jersey Treasury and Resources GST registration number 0034104

Jersey Financial Services Commission - Non-Profit Organisation registration number NPO0766

Approved on 04/07/2011 by the States of Jersey Comptroller of Taxes as being established for charitable purposes

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