De La Salle College annual island walk raises money for local charities
This annual event raises money for local charities and 12 year old Kenan Bryan made a presentation about Helping Wings at one of De La Salle College’s charity meetings. Helping Wings was then selected as one their recipients.
This year’s Island walk took place on the 22nd of March with 380 students aged 11 to 18 taking part . 150 students completed the 36 miles walk and although Kenan had to stop after 15 miles due to blisters, Harry completed the walk in 12hrs 45mns.
Kenan is learning to fly at the Jersey Aero Club and, although only 12 years old, already has 10 flying hours under his belt! It looks as we may have a future commercial pilot!
The money raised will be used towards one of our Helping Wings days for disabled and disadvantaged children. The Helping Wings team would like to say a huge thank you to Kenan and all the De La Salle students for supporting us.