Chakotay Wood, the 2015 Helping Wings Flying scholarship winner handed a cheque to Helping Wings
On Friday 28th April, Chakotay Wood, the 2015 Helping Wings Flying scholarship winner handed a cheque to Brian Heath, Helping Wings committee member and Chakotay’s mentor - a cheque for the amazing sum of £2553.92!
The presentation took place at the Jersey Aero Club where Chakotay has been learning to fly. Present were the Lieutenant-Governor, Sir Stephen Dalton, our patron and Lady Dalton who made a surprise visit to congratulate him on his achievement.
Amongst the many guests was Mally Richardson of Jersey Skydive, Chakotay’s instructor for the jump. In Chakotay’s own words, ‘he would have much rather been flying the plane”. As often said amongst pilots…why on earth should anyone jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane!
What is so special about the sum raised if that not only Chakotay did a skydive but he and his Mum spent days fundraising for Helping Wings.
From the outside, no one would know that Chakotay is disabled. However, he suffers from a rare type of spina bifida and has had problems with his spine from birth…so, it took a lot of courage and determination for him to even think of jumping !
The sum raised is incredible and during his speech last night, Chakotay said that he wanted to thank Helping Wings for having made such a difference to his life and would like the money raised to go towards a flying scholarship in the hope that someone else, on the island, can benefit in the same way.
So, the Helping Wings committee will get together shortly and put forward an application form for the scholarship which will be from Chakotay and the people of Jersey.
On behalf of Helping Wing, I would like to thank Chakotay, his Mum and Dad, his many sponsors and everyone who kindly donated towards Chakotay’s fundraising campaign.