Helping Wings Day, April 2019
Whenever Helping Wings has a Flying event, the weather always has a say - of course. In recent times poor weather has caused some disappointment and a lot of re-scheduling but not at this year’s Young People’s Day held on Saturday , 6th April.
The sun shone for our 15 young guests giving them, their families and careers great conditions to enjoy their flights around the island of Jersey. 7 Helping Wings volunteer pilots provided their time and aircraft with a further team of volunteers providing all the back-up support needed for the day.
The event was sponsored by local company, Blue Flame Digital Solutions Ltd. In fact Blue Flame’s CEO, Phil Taylor, not only provided the funding but was also one of the pilots on the day !
Apart from the flight, everyone got the chance to visit Jersey Airports’s control tower where they saw the air traffic controllers controlling aircraft at Jersey and in the large surrounding area of Channel Islands airspace. The view from the top of the tower was amazing.
In all, 36 guests flew during the day. For some it was their first time with Helping Wings and maybe the first time they’d flown in a light aircraft. But whether they were first timers or not, it was clear from their smiles that they all enjoyed a great day. Some even got the chance to star on Channel TV !
As always, events like this Helping Wings Day only happen because a lot of people have willingly given their time and effort to ensure the day’s success. Those people, both Helping Wings members and those in partner organisations, are too many to be individually named but, to them and on behalf of all the day’s guests, Helping Wings says a massive “Thank you “.